My Family

The treatment, surgeries and pain, that is accompanied with Scoliosis not only affects its victims but also the many people around them. This page is dedicated to the many people that have been there for me, and how they felt to see me go through everything I went through and everything I am still going through.

Scoliosis and its affects are not felt alone, much of the emotional affects, are felt by everyone around me, and this is their stories, and how they felt and feel to see me go through it.



16 thoughts on “My Family

  1. Hi there! Do look around my blog, there are pages that might be of interest to you, particularly a herb-based drink that’s endorsed by doctors in the Philippines, and curing people with scoliosis. Cheers! Jaime

  2. You are very inspiring!! I also love to dance because is a big part of my culture but I always have pain 😦

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